Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Six of one, half dozen of the other

What do you do when you are tired of everything? You have to change your life, and you have to change it from the inside out. I have done it so many times, you would think it would come easy after a while. BUT, being my age and trying to do it is a whole new ball game. I have found that I can still do it, but it sure does take a lot longer to get it done. Well, it's that way with everything. I can do it all, it just takes longer. And I'll admit I think things over a whole lot more before I start into a big project like this.

Maybe this will be the last time I have to change, or adjust, my life. Maybe I will get it right this time. I found throughout life that if I pretend to be some way or the other, it is just as good as being and no one knows the difference. And eventually I'm not acting any more. It has served me well through three marriages and gazillions of jobs. I am hoping it serves me well this one last time.
There are some things I will not pretend about, or compromise on. Politics and religion and my love for my family are at the top of that list. But to get through the trying times I will pretend that I am happy with my lot in life and satisfied with the things that are happening in it. I will pretend that I can handle all of it and that I love doing it.

And eventually even I won't know the difference.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I Don't want to be THAT PERSON!!!

I have never considered myself a hater. I pride myself on being able to get along with everyone, no matter what the situation is. I have never had problems at work, and refuse to have problems in my family relationships as well. And that is the way I brought up my children.

Now, at age 62, I find myself becoming less flexible. I have become a "hater". I used to be able to tolerate differing viewpoints from mine, and smile and go on about my business. But I have hit a wall. With the Republican party and Tea Party agenda, I have lost my sense of humor. And I think it is mainly because I don't like to see people treated unfairly, or struggle. The Republican/Tea Party agenda shows them to be white rascists, determined to undermine women's rights, and bulldoze their way through the benefits for the poor and those unable to help themselves.

It is amazing to me that not everyone sees this. Are they so blinded by religion and conservatism that they can't see that they are probably next on the hit list. There is always going to be someone on the top and someone on the bottom. When the Rep/TP finish with the middle class, where do all of those people think they will be? If The Donald hasn't been to your house for dinner, I don't think that will put you at the top.

Who do they think will be running the country, and how do they think this country will look? It's worth a thought. No matter who you are or what you believe.