Wednesday, October 24, 2012


When election time rolls around I never fail to find something amazing at every turn.  This year, my amazement goes back and forth between two things -- the gullibility of anyone who would vote for Romney and the chameleon like changes he makes every time he feels something else would be more advantageous.

I am so glad that my children are old now and I don't have to explain how someone in such an elevated position can change their story - lie - whenever it suits them. How would I do that? I'm having trouble figuring it out myself in my 64 year old mind.

But even worse, it seems like everyone sort of glosses over it, like they expect it from him or something. Then, they explain it in some twisted manipulation of the language to show that that's not what he really said. I am at a loss. Are the American public really that stupid? Do they really believe him?  Do they think they can believe him if he gets in office? Or am I in some alternate universe and none of this is real?  I sure hope so.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Scattered thoughts, Columbus, Death, and Arizona

First of all, happy Columbus Day -- or Happy F*** the Indians Day, whichever you prefer. We should not celebrate this as a national holiday.  Maybe a day of mourning????

Back in Arizona with the radical right wing crazies and the preppers.  I love it here, though.  I love the desert, the rocks and the mountains.  I don't care who lives here -- I am tolerant of everyone.  The only person I am probably not tolerant of is myself.

Once again, I am dissatisfied with myself.  I have 30 things I want to do --- okay maybe that is an exaggeration -- probably 10 or 12 --and I can't even focus to get to one of them.  I have to narrow this list down so that I am not spreading myself so thin.  But with age catching up to me, I always think, wow it's now or never -- and I realize I may never get to do all of the things I want.

Since I quit believing in the afterlife, death hasn't scared me.  And it still doesn't.  What scares me is not being able to finish everything I want to do.  Am I selfish to think I should get to do these things? I still want to learn, to teach and to use my hands to create.  I wish I had studied art.

How old was Grandma Moses when she started painting?
